How can I place an order for custom dust bags / sleeper bags?
To place an order, first fill in the estimate form and send it to us. We will then get back to you with an estimate. If agreeable we will forward a proforma invoice with request of deposit payment to confirm the order. IMPORTANT: when you receive our proforma invoice, please review the order’s technical specifications carefully and inform us immediately if anything is wrong or missing. Once deposit payment is received, the order will be processed by our factory and specs can no longer be changed and we cannot be held responsible for any missing or different technical specification.
Note: to place an order you must be the legal owner or licensee of the logo that you want to be printed.
What is the leadtime for manufacturing?
Leadtime is usually 4weeks for most orders. When planning your order, consider that most businesses in Italy are closed for summer holidays during the month of august and between december 23 and january 6 for Christmas holidays.
What type of payments are accepted?
Standard payments for manufacturing orders are bank transfer T/T. Credit card through PayPal is also accepted for payments up to 5,000 Euros.
Note for EU companies: if you do not have a VAT number, by law we will have to add 22% VAT to invoice total.
How do you ship orders?
In most cases we ship orders by air freight via Fedex or UPS. A freight cost estimate will be provided to you for approval as soon as the order is boxed and we know exact volume and weight. We can also use your freight account if you have one.
If for any reason you require photos of the goods prior to shipping, please specify this at time of order. As once the goods are packed and boxed we can no longer do this.
What are the advantages of Made in Italy versus made in Asia?
Custom Made in Italy custom dustbags / sleeper bags, boxes and tissue paper have the advantage of being delivered faster than when ordered in Asia. Local materials are also notoriously superior to Asian ones. The same applies to the workmanship and quality control. In Italy we do almost exclusively custom work for the fashion industry, so we offer great service to develop your own particular products as well as lots of consulting into the bargain. Lastly, minimum order quantities tend to be much lower in Italy than Asia.
Do you also manufacture other custom items?
Yes we manufacture all kinds of custom fashion components, from brass hardware to custom logo fabrics, custom leather materials, packaging etc. Our core business is in fact to manage manufacturing in Italy for many International fashion brands, therefore we are in contact with all the suppliers in Italy for each and every material and process required to bring luxury fashion goods to market. Please see our specific page
Can you manufacture my leather goods as well?
Yes we will be happy to! Our core business is in fact to manage manufacturing in Italy for many International fashion brands. Please see our specific page on our main company website: We also offer private label handbags Made in Italy. Please see catalog at:
What types of materials and colours are available?
Please refer to products page for guidelines about materials, colours etc.
What kind of artwork do you need to print my logo?
Your logo will be printed on the dustbags by silk screen technique. This requires a one-time cost to make the silk screen for your logo. The silk screen can then be used for all future productions, so it is a one-time cost.
The cost to make the silk screen for your logo is Euro 175. Note that: if in the future you want to print your logo in different colours, you can use the same silk screen. Instead, if in the future you want to print your logo larger or smaller, a new silk screen will have to be made.
Therefore we recommend to think of a logo size which can suit a variety of dustbag sizes. Also note that logo is normally printed just on one side of the dustbag. It is possible to print both sides at an extra cost.
Print is in solid colours, no shading or gradients can be printed. It is possible to print the logo in more than one colour. A silk screen is required for each colour to be printed.
Please send your artwork as lineart graphics file. You can send your logo artwork as JPG, PSD, PDF, Illustrator format.
File size/resolution should be enough to print clearly filling an A4 sheet when you print the file to a regular office printer.
You can upload the logo file direclty in the estimate form. NOTE: by placing an order you confirm to be the owner or licensee of the logo.
I want my dust bags / sleeper bags completely customised (design, materials, features etc.) can you assist me?
Yes we can do any kind of custom dust bag or packaging. About measurements please note that because of the stretch of different fabric materials and because our products are hand stitched, our products have a dimensional tolerance of +/- 5 millimeters. Please take this into account if you have strict dimensional constraints. Please contact us with your particular request and we’ll get back to you.
Where is your factory located?
Our dustbag factory is located in Florence area, a bustling district for luxury fashion goods making in the heart of Tuscany, Italy. Our factory is the same that makes dustbags / sleeper bags for Gucci and other top 20 fashion brands. This is a guarantee that you will get quality, attention and service.
What are the prices of dust bags / sleeper bags?
The unit costs of dust bags / sleeperbags varies considerably depending on material and size. We will let you know exat costs shortly after receiving the estimate form from you. Let us say that very broadly speaking the average cost range for medium size dustbags is in the range of Euro 0.90-1.90/pc.
What is the minimum order?
The minimum order of dust bags / sleeper bags is 500 pcs for the first size. For further sizes the minimum is 150 pcs per size (assuming that same materials, colours and logo print are used as for the first size). For example, if you are a handbag brand and your bags are mostly of large sizes but you also sell a few clutches, you will place an order for dustbags that fit the larger bags and also order smaller dustbags for the clutches. Your minimum order for the larger dustbags (first size) will be 500 pcs while the minimum order for the smaller dustbags for your clutches will be 150 pcs.
Can you send samples?
Yes. We can send complimentary samples of an available dust bag for you to assess material, quality of logo print, quality of workmanship. We ship by express freight (2 business days to most countries). For destinations outside the EU we ask Euro 15 to cover part of the express shipping costs. (Payment can be easily done by PayPal)
But please first use our estimate form so that we know desired materials, sizes, quantities and we agree on a price first.
Note that if you want a sample with your logo, we must have the silk screen made and charge you the silk screen cost (Euro 175. The silk screen can then be used for all your production orders).
In case that you are ordering a special dustbag (completely custom design) it is normal for us to prepare a pre-production sample for your approval before going into production. Pre-production samples are also routinely made whenever an order is large (above 1,000 pcs).
Do you have unbranded dust bags / sleeper bags ready to ship?
All our dust bags are custom made. We do not have ready to ship dust bags as the variety of materials, colours, sizes that customers request is so large that it would be impossible to keep stock.
What is your return policy?
Over many years of business we have had an average of less than 0,0001% quality issues. In the unlikely event that some items are defective or damaged, once the cause of the problem has been established, we will handle the issue on a case by case basis. Replacement, refund, credit. If the number of defective items is small, say 1-100pcs, often we will offer refund/credit. In order for us to be able to track the reason and responsibilities for any defects, we ask to report defects within one week of receiving the goods.